영훈초등학교 로고



Important message for foreign applicants:
Please note that our school program is not solely instructed in English. It operates bilingually, with instruction evenly distributed between Korean and English. Flourishing in this setting requires proficiency in both languages, particularly in Korean. Students are required to actively engage in both Korean and English classes on a daily basis. Additionally, as per government regulations, private schools like ours admit students through a lottery system. This means that applicants must participate in the school lottery, where names are drawn at random to determine available positions.

1.Who Can Apply

  • Children born between January 1, 2017, and December 31, 2017, are eligible.

2. Number of Available Positions for Student Enrollment and School Location

Number of Available Positions for Student Enrollment and School Location 
School Name Classes Offered Number of Available Positions Areas Served Location Contact Info
Young Hoon Elementary 4 112
56 Boys
and , 56 Girls
Seoul, including Gyeonggi-do (where commuting is possible) 19 Dobong-ro 13ga-gil, Gangbuk-gu, Seoul (01211) 교무실: 944-3600
82 2 944-3714

3.How to Apply

  1. - Apply online via the school website. Please check the Korean web page to fill out the application forms.
  2. - Application Period: November. Please check the Korean web page for the latest dates
  3. - Fee: KRW 30,000 (Pay online. Please check the Korean webpage for the latest fees)
  4. - Note
    1. 1) You can apply to a maximum of 3 private schools.
    2. 2) Apply early as the deadline might get busy. No extensions. Applicants are responsible for any late submissions.

4. Documents Required (Must have for Online Application)

  1. - Application Form (1 copy)
  2. - Consent Form (1 copy): Agree to basic Christian education and grade worship as a Christian school.
  3. - Personal Information Usage Agreement Form (1 copy)
  4. - Examination Ticket (1 copy) (Print after online application and fee payment, but not necessary for lottery)
  5. - Photo File for Online Application (Photo of upper body taken within the last 3 months)

5. Selection Process - School Lottery

  1. - Date: Late November- Please check the Korean web page for the latest dates. Start is 10:00 AM - Male lottery followed by female.
  2. - Venue: School Conference Room
  3. - Method: Computer-based Lottery (not in person), broadcast in real time.
  4. - Results: Winners posted on the website after 5:00 PM.

6. Twin Application and Lottery

  1. Twins are allowed beyond the quota for family stability.
  2. Parents have two options:
    1. a. One Representative: If both twins apply, only one is entered into the lottery. This means that if the lottery is successful, both twins secure a spot, and if unsuccessful, both miss out.
    2. b. Both Individuals: Each twin applies separately, with both entered into the lottery. Both could get in, one could get in, or both miss out.

7. Educational Costs

  1. Please check the Korean web page for the latest updates on school fees.

8. Additional Information

  1. ●No double registrations allowed; please submit the required documents by the application deadlines. Please check the Korean webpage for the latest dates
  2. ●Admission revoked if disqualifying factors are found.
  3. - Contact: Office 02-944-3714 (Operating hours: 09:00 to 16:00)