영훈초등학교 로고


The promotion process and factors contributing to success

Facilitating the advancement of open education research

  1. 1985~1987

    Step 1

    Fostering an open education environment

    Established a free, open learning atmosphere where students could interact freely with teachers or peers

  2. 1988~1990

    Step 2

    Implementing open education through personalized guidance

    Researched appropriate learning methods for individualized instruction tailored to students' abilities and developed necessary learning materials for various learning activities.

  3. 1991~1993

    Step 3

    Implementing open education to accommodate individual differences

    The school conducted a variety of learning activities tailored to the individual interests of each student. By implementing school-wide open education through whole-class instruction, Young Hoon Elementary School became the pioneering institution in doing so.

  4. 1994-1996

    Step 4

    Enhancing open education through Information technology (IT) instruction

    Through the establishment of a correspondence school, we developed information technology facilities and environments. In higher grades, students engage in topic-based learning using computer-mediated communication, thereby enhancing open education. Additionally, the school implemented partial immersion education with native English-speaking teachers, providing students with foreign language instruction and fostering familiarity with individuals from other cultures.

  5. 1997-Present

    Step 5

    Strengthening global education through Immersion classes

    With the deepening of internet-based IT education and digital literacy, there has been an increased emphasis on improving information searching and processing skills. Consequently, the demand for English education has grown. In response, immersion classes have been introduced to expose students to foreign languages through interactions with native English teachers, thus fostering an understanding of foreign cultures and facilitating globalization education.

The Key to Success Behind Young Hoon's Open Education

Gradual Implementation

One key factor contributing to the success of Young Hoon's open education approach is our deliberate and systematic approach to change. As pioneers in implementing open education in South Korea, we garnered significant attention from educational institutions and other schools. Despite this, we recognized that meaningful change in education takes time and cannot be rushed. Therefore, we focused on gradual development, taking measured steps towards our goals.

Structured teacher training

Changes in teaching practices are the responsibility of educators overseeing education, thus the transformation of teaching classes hinges on the readiness of teachers. Recognizing this, Young Hoon invested in comprehensive training initiatives, both domestically and internationally, to ensure that educators grasped the principles of open education thoroughly and approached their classes with enthusiasm.

Transformation of School Environment

To optimize the effectiveness of teaching classes, it's crucial to have a supportive environment. This involved preparing class materials suitable for conducting open education and transforming the appearance of the classroom.

Continuous adaptation and policy development

Despite achieving prominence in open education, Young Hoon Elementary School has not rested on its laurels. Instead, it has continuously evolved, earning the trust of parents through ongoing changes and the establishment of policies aimed at meeting societal needs. One notable initiative includes the introduction of the Immersion Program, designed to cultivate talents essential for today's society.