영훈초등학교 로고


English Immersion Education

What is immersion education?

Immersion education is an innovative bilingual approach that fosters global competency, preparing individuals for success in a globalized world.

A Trailblazer in Pioneering Immersion Program in Korea

To develop global competencies in the era of globalization, Young Hoon introduced Korea's first immersion education program in 1995. Originating in Canada in 1963, immersion education is a highly effective form of bilingual education supported by extensive academic research. Unlike traditional language classes, this method uses a foreign language as the medium for teaching various subjects, enabling students to naturally acquire the language while mastering the curriculum content.

The Purpose and Educational Effectiveness of Immersion Education

Young Hoon aims to foster "Koreans with Identity," distinguishing itself from foreign schools in the country. The objective is to nurture competent bilingual individuals with a global perspective by teaching the national curriculum and sentiment while naturally acquiring a foreign language. Immersion education allows students to contemplate one concept in two languages, leading to enhanced intellectual growth and cognitive abilities. By interacting with native speakers, students can develop a flexible mindset and a more nuanced understanding of different countries and the world.

연필과 알파벳 아이콘

Learning English immersed in an English-speaking culture.

Instead of focusing on rote memorization, test-taking, repetition, and rigid level divisions, our approach to English education prioritizes creating an enjoyable classroom experience. Through our program, students immerse themselves in both the language and the English-speaking culture, facilitating natural language acquisition.

펼처진 책 한 권과 사과 아이콘

English education that prioritizes fostering interest and engagement

In addition to traditional standardized English education, we offer diverse lessons designed to stimulate students' interest and active participation in reading, writing, speaking, and listening. This approach facilitates natural acquisition of the English language.

칠판에 알파벳 A, B, C가 적혀있는 아이콘

Diverse and interactive teaching methods

Utilizing interactive teaching methods that prioritize student-centered, teacher-guided learning, we conduct lessons incorporating Smartboards, Chromebooks, tablets, and a diverse range of self-developed teaching materials and resources.