영훈초등학교 로고


English Immersion Education

Extracurricular Activities

In addition to regular English classes, various after school English clubs are offered.

Summer and Winter Camps

Theme-based camps offer students immersive experiences using English to observe, listen, and engage. Interested students partake in one-week English-themed activities during school vacations.

English Clubs

After school, students have the opportunity to participate in various English clubs led by native English teachers. Each year, different English clubs with various themes are offered for students to choose from.

  • Scrapbooking

  • Educational Game Club

  • Cooking Club

  • AI Art Club

Summer and Winter Camps

Students engaged in theme-based activities like coding

English Magazine

Under the guidance of native teachers, students write articles to compile an English magazine at the end of each semester. This is professionally published and distributed to the whole school community.