영훈초등학교 로고


The Beginning of Open Education

The Beginning of Open Education

Young Hoon's Open Education introduced a groundbreaking educational model to Korea in 1985, addressing the pivotal question:

“What and how should schools teach our children to prepare for the future, 20 years from now? ”

This visionary approach aimed to cultivate students with creative and autonomous abilities, equipped to navigate evolving times and global circumstances. Since its inception, Open Education has remained a beacon, recognized as a leading educational model that nurtures children's individuality and potential. However, its introduction in 1985 faced significant challenges, akin to navigating a thorny path. Despite persistent calls for educational reform towards individualization, autonomy, and diversification, the entrenched methods of rote learning and uniform education posed clear limitations, prompting us to seek our own solutions.

We embarked on a journey of exploration, drawing inspiration from advanced educational practices in the United States and Japan. Teachers underwent rigorous training, delved into educational theory, and refined teaching methods. To enhance the effectiveness of learning, we reduced class sizes, dismantled classroom boundaries, and created innovative facilities. In 1986, we launched our first Open Education class, laying the foundation for a transformative journey. By 1993, we had pioneered a comprehensive Open Education program, becoming the first school in Korea to fully embrace this approach. By 1997, our efforts culminated in the integration of Open Education principles into the 7th National Curriculum, aimed at fostering autonomous and creative individuals poised to lead in the globalized, information-driven 21st century. This remarkable achievement reflects the unwavering dedication and tireless efforts of our educators, driven by a commitment to authentic education. Today, the evolution of Open Education continues, guided by our enduring pursuit of excellence.

Capturing the History of Open Education Through Photos

  • Early Open Education - Korean Class

  • Early Open Education - English Class

  • Open Education in the year 2000

  • Open Education in the year 2000(2007)

  • Current Open Education Class - Korean

    Reading and Debating
  • Current Open Education Class - English

    Grade 1 class using the tablets
  • Current Open Education Class - Korean

    History class group activity
  • Current Open Education Class - English

    Writing class